Dieses bewährte Lehrbuch ist eine umfassende und gründliche Darstellung der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung. Ihre Theorie wird systematisch entwickelt, und die Lösungsmethoden aller wichtigen Probleme werden ausführlich behandelt. Alle Gebiete der Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden dargestellt: Wärmeleitung und Diffusion, konvektiver Wärme- und Stoffaustausch, Wärmetransport beim Kondensieren und Verdampfen, Wärmestrahlung sowie die Berechnung der Wärme- und Stoffübertrager.
Die nine. Auflage wurde auf den neusten Stand gebracht, so z.B. die Berechnungsgleichungen und auf Messungen basierende Korrelationen des Wärme- und Stoffübergangs oder die Stoffwerttabellen und das Literaturverzeichnis. Inhaltliche Ergänzungen betreffen vor allem die Kapitel über den Wärmeübergang bei erzwungener turbulenter Strömung, ebenso bei freier und Überlagerung von freier und erzwungener Strömung. Zudem enthalten viele Tabellen nur noch Orientierungswerte und wurden damit übersichtlicher gestaltet.
Download E-books Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Materials and Applications (Advances in Polymer Science) PDF

By Wim H. de Jeu
Guidance of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by means of F. Brömmel, D. Kramer, H. Finkelmann functions of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by means of C. Ohm, M. Brehmer und R. Zentel Liquid Crystal Elastomers and lightweight, by way of Peter Palffy-Muhoray Electro-Opto-Mechanical results in Swollen Nematic Elastomers, via Kenji Urayama The Isotropic-to-Nematic Conversion in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by means of Andrija Lebar, George Cordoyiannis, Zdravko Kutnjak und Bostjan Zalar Order and disease in Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers, through Wim H. de Jeu und Boris I. Ostrovskii
Download E-books Thermodynamic Universe, The: Exploring The Limits Of Physics: Exploring the Limits of Physics PDF

By B G Sidharth
“. . . a subject matter of important present curiosity and one approximately which the writer is beautifully certified to opine.” Prof. A van der Merwe Former Editor Foundations of Physics Particle Physics and excessive power Physics have stagnated because the early Nineteen Seventies. Now, the underlying precept of reductionism - so sacred to twentieth-century physics - is itself being puzzled. This e-book examines those tumultuous advancements which are resulting in a paradigm shift and a brand new horizon for Physics. proposing the recent paradigm in fuzzy spacetime, this booklet is predicated on a few a hundred papers released in peer-reviewed journals together with Foundations of Physics, Nuovo Cimento and The foreign magazine of recent Physics (A&E), in addition to lately released books, The Chaotic Universe (Nova technology, big apple) and The Universe of Fluctuations (Springer). The paintings had estimated safely prematurely epoch-turning observations, for instance, that the Universe is accelerating with a small cosmological consistent pushed through darkish power whilst the commonly used line of pondering was once the complete opposite. equally, the prediction of a minimal thermodynamic residual strength within the Universe has additionally been discovered extra lately. additional to a unified description of gravitation and electromagnetism through fluctuations, a number of different positive factors are provided in whole contract with experiments, in sharp distinction to the current principles that are neither verifiable nor disprovable.
Download E-books Aerothermodynamik (German Edition) PDF

Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studenten der Ingenieurwissenschaften und Ingenieure der Raumfahrtindustrie und der Energieverfahrenstechnik. Es verknüpft die klassischen Gebiete der Aerodynamik mit der Nichtgleichgewichts-Thermodynamik heißer Gase. Am Beispiel des Wiedereintritts einer Raumkapsel in die Erdatmosphäre werden die aerothermodynamischen Grundlagen und numerischen Methoden zur Berechnung des Strömungsfeldes der Raumkapsel im gaskinetischen und kontinuumsmechanischen Bereich der Wiedereintrittstrajektorie behandelt. Am Beispiel von Raumfahrtprojekten werden die Methoden entwickelt. Die Autoren sind anerkannte Spezialisten für dieses Fachgebiet.
Download E-books Grundkurs: Theoretische Physik. 4: Spezielle Relativitätstheorie- Thermodynamik. PDF

By Nolting W.
Download E-books Maxwell's Demon 2 Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing PDF

Over one hundred thirty years in the past, James Clerk Maxwell brought his hypothetical "demon" as a problem to the scope of the second one legislations of thermodynamics. Fascination with the demon continued through the improvement of statistical and quantum physics, info idea, and computing device technological know-how, and hyperlinks were tested among Maxwell's demon and every of those disciplines. The demon's seductive caliber makes it attractive to actual scientists, engineers, desktop scientists, biologists, psychologists, and historians and philosophers of science.
Since the ebook of Maxwell's Demon: Entropy, details, Computing in 1990, Maxwell's demon has been the topic of renewed and elevated curiosity through quite a few researchers within the fields pointed out above. up-to-date and multiplied, Maxwell's Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum details, Computing keeps a few of the seminal papers that seemed within the first variation, together with the unique concepts of James Clerk Maxwell and William Thomson; a ancient overview through Martin Klein; and key articles via Leo Szilard, Leon Brillouin, Rolf Landauer, and Charles Bennett that resulted in new branches of study at the demon. This moment variation comprises more recent articles by way of Landauer, Bennett, and others, relating to Landauer's precept; connections with quantum mechanics; algorithmic details; and the thermodynamics and boundaries of computation. The publication additionally contains separate bibliographies: an alphabetical directory through writer and a chronological bibliography that's annotated via the editors and comprises chosen rates from the books and articles indexed. The bibliography has greater than doubled in measurement given that ebook of the 1st variation and now comprises over 570 entries.
Download E-books Hubbard Model, The: A Collection Of Reprints PDF

By A Montorsi
This e-book gathers a set of reprints at the Hubbard version. the foremost contributions to the topic considering the fact that its beginning are integrated, with the purpose of supplying all scientists engaged on the version and its functions with easy accessibility to the correct literature. The ebook is split into 5 components. The introductory half is worried with the actual foundation and motivations of the version, and encompasses a choice of ordinarily ancient papers. the remainder 4 sections are meant to offer a coherent situation of different methods to the version answer: specific and rigorous statistical mechanics effects; variational equipment; perturbative methods; numerical Quantum Monte Carlo and certain diagonalization reports. one of the functions precise emphasis is given to high-Tc superconductivity. each one part is preceded via observation notes from the editor.
Download E-books Statistical physics PDF

By Galperin Y., Feder J.
Download E-books A Modern Approach to Critical Phenomena PDF

By Igor Herbut
Serious phenomena is without doubt one of the most fun parts of contemporary physics. This 2007 e-book offers a radical yet fiscal creation into the foundations and methods of the speculation of serious phenomena and the renormalization team, from the point of view of contemporary condensed subject physics. Assuming uncomplicated wisdom of quantum and statistical mechanics, the e-book discusses section transitions in magnets, superfluids, superconductors, and gauge box theories. specific recognition is given to themes equivalent to gauge box fluctuations in superconductors, the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, duality modifications, and quantum section transitions - all of that are on the leading edge of physics study. This ebook includes various difficulties of various levels of hassle, with recommendations. those difficulties offer readers with a wealth of fabric to check their knowing of the topic. it's perfect for graduate scholars and more matured researchers within the fields of condensed topic physics, statistical physics, and many-body physics.